

Contact and Needs

Should you wish to participate in not just discussions but in any aspect of this community I ask that you create an account and perhaps correspond with me concerning topics and/or features you would like to see here.

Notice off to the right there is a column titled "What about Me?".  This is where you may find current needs or wants listed.  Please contact me if any are of interest or if you have other suggestions.

Send us email with your questions and/or suggestions.

EZ's Worldview

My worldview is essentially Judaeo Christian however not in the traditional sense.  This deviation from the mainstream stems primarily from the apostasy and dis-functionality of what is today called the church.  In the US of A we call it the "Church Inc. - "the business of religion".  Jesus said that true worshipers will worship is spirit and truth.  The thought that God can reach out and touch the human heart directly has become repugnant these days.  

Through meditation, prayer and keeping a journal I felt led to procure this domain and put this site together.  The particular passage from scripture is from the book of Ezekiel chapter 36 verse 26 where the prophet records a statement from God describing how He will save whom He saves by replacing a heart of stone with one of flesh for His own glory alone.  I'm fine with being on the receiving end.

Philosophy and Motivation

This website is really just a continuation for a series of web projects I have dabbled with over the years.  I have been involved with IT before there was a world wide web, before the Mac and PC.

For the most part the sites I have created and managed have been little more than sandboxes for my career.  I needed to know the current technologies to remain competitive in the market place.  The web didn't really overlap my domain, I was a corporate developer and network administrator to begin, later migrating into the government sector.  I'm really a data guy.

I've already given a fairly telling indication of my age but just to make it a little easier I'll say that I'm from the class of 68, high school that is.  I've lived through interesting times to emerge into this age where information rules and as Mulder says "The Truth is Out There".  

Today, every opinion is available despite the subversive influences and can be sampled even if unearthing, digging and sifting if necessary.  I suppose, herein lies the danger.  With all opinions exposed one must ask a number of questions.  Questions of motivation, of spirituality, of light and darkness.

I mention the promotion of peace in the banner.  I believe that peace has divine origins.  We can know peace but first we must know our creator.

EZs Blog

Ezekiel's Journey 

Fear God
Posted by EZsAdmin Saturday, May 30, 2020 12:09:00 PM

Greetings again.

It seems like a good time to explain some of the inspiration behind the creation of this site. Many folks today both Christian and non have trouble believing the God of the Bible is aware of the shape of our world today and beyond this that He is able or willing to intervene in our lives and history.  Many if not most do not believe that He acts by the counsel of His own will and sends judgement as well as mercy.  The book of Ezekiel begins with the prophet experiencing an unimaginable vision by the bank of the river Chibar.  There are those who insist that the wheels he saw were some form of alien spacecraft but that's not what Scripture records. God gives him some really bad news for Isreal and Judah whom He refers to a rebellious house giving him instructions on what to say to them but at the same time let's him know they won't listen. This is where God appoints him as "watchman" and says that if he doesn't warn the nation of the coming judgment their blood will be on his hands but if they just ignore the warning he will be blameless having given it. Read about it.

What About Me

What do you mean me?
Here's some stuff EZ needs:


Just prayer at this time.


Email for further details.

